Put people over profit.
Education for All
Every child should have access to an excellent education, regardless of race, gender, ability, or household income. With fully funded schools we can support all children in adapting socially and academically into their classrooms, and all teachers in providing enriching education. We demand an open budgetary process that engages the voices of parents, students, and teachers in school governance. We demand schools that meet community and student needs, without reliance on stringent discipline or student pushout.
Housing for All
Each of us has a right to safe and secure housing. Richmond’s history of disinvestment in public housing and mass evictions are legacies of systemic racism that deny Black residents their right to a city built by their ancestors. We demand reinvestment in safe public housing that will guarantee every household a right to housing during periods of crisis. We demand accessible public services and transportation for families and individuals in need. We demand protection for renters targeted by abusive eviction practices.
Justice for All
We recognize that in a truly just city no community should be asked to bear disproportionate risks to their health, wellness, or safety. No neighborhood should be exposed to disproportionate loss of safety, environmental risk, reduced health outcomes, concentrated policing, or lack of access to basic needs like food or transportation. We demand equitable access to sanctuary, health care, safe water, clean air, and infrastructure for every neighborhood across Richmond, without cutting corners in the name of cost or efficiency.
Democracy for All
Our elected leadership should serve the public, not special interests. Large corporations, their CEOs, and their boards exert undue influence over city and state governance through campaign donations and private funding initiatives. We demand elected officials willing to run elections without corporate support and who commit to putting the needs of people over profit. We demand the state of Virginia fulfill the work of the civil rights era by establishing equitable poll access and fighting voter disenfranchisement in all forms.