It is Time To Strike.

On Monday five members of Richmond City Council took an essential step toward honoring democratic process and public governance by recommending council strike the ordinances tied to Dominion Energy’s coliseum redevelopment project. This recommendation comes after over 14 months of negotiation, debate, and public meetings. There have been two public mobilizations to …

Vote to strike!

Last night city council’s Organizational Development Committee recommended Council vote to strike the ordinances related to the proposed Dominion coliseum redevelopment project. That vote will occur Feb 10th, in council chambers at 5:30pm. Join us in chambers to support the 5 council members who have committed to striking these ordinances, …

No TIFs for RPS: Educator Testimony at the RPS School Board Meeting

The developers backing the Dominion Coliseum redevelopment plan are running a paid ad campaign arguing this project will pay for schools. Will it? Educators and educator institutions don’t think so. The RPS school board as approved a resolution to seek permission to opt school funds out of the bond repayment plan. In support of that resolution, RPS Educators testified to their concerns about the potential impact of this TIF district on RPS schools. Hear their concerns below.

What does the Coliseum have to do with mass demolition?

This week we attended an RRHA Board of Commissioners meeting and this weekend we’ll attend the next Coliseum redevelopment commission meeting (Sat, 9am!). These two back-to-back sessions left us wondering: What does public housing demolition have to do with coliseum redevelopment? As it turns out, quite a lot. One of …

Tom Farrell is not Navy Hill.

Navy Hill was demolished by developers whose haste to increase their profit margins at the expense of communities of color led to the destruction of a neighborhood, its institutions, its public schools, and portions of its legacy. Today, Richmond’s leadership plans the large-scale demolition of public housing courts in concert …